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How to Evaluate a Yoga Teacher

 Today, with the yoga expansion, finding a yoga class is not a problem. However, it is not so easy to find a good teacher. How to evaluate a yoga teacher? There is no international or national standard to get a certification as yoga teacher. Yoga Alliance is arranging for a registry of yoga instructors whose experience meets certain requirements. There are currently about four thousands eight hundreds teachers registered with the yoga alliance and seventy thousands yoga teachers around the world.

Beginner looks for someone who has a strong personal yoga practice aside from classes. A good yoga teacher does his best to develop his personality and teaching skills. Such teachers continue their education taking part at workshops, reading, and have an inspiration for learning more. They look for their own unique voice, try to keep students safe, positively influence on the health and well-being of the students. The real yoga teacher touches the hearts of his students and this nourishes his continued growth as a teacher and yoga practitioner.

Thus, before starting yoga classes, it is important to evaluate a yoga teacher’s competence and understand if this yoga teacher is good for you.

Here are some questions that will help to evaluate a competence of yoga teacher: Where did he complete the initial teaching certification? How long was the training? How long ago did he begin to practice yoga? What style of yoga does he teach and why? What motivated him to teach? How long has he been teaching? Where else did he teach? This gives you a possibility to learn about the philosophy and agenda of the teacher.

Teaching yoga must be the passion, something that one is willing and even eager to do for free. If this is the primary motivation for teaching, chances are great that tutor will be "successful"” because his definition of success will be to help others.

Beyond that, here are some more general guidelines to evaluate a yoga teacher. Auditioning your potential teachers for things like vocal tone, attention to detail and emphasize on offering modifications is key. A good teacher gives verbal instruction before teaching practical exercises. A good attentive teacher usually asks a new student about his previous yoga experience, damages.

If teacher performs exercises by himself he can't watch for students carefully. In case instructor is not attuned to the individual needs of every trainee, injuries can occur. While teaching, the teacher’s energy and attention are to be with students, not on his own practice.

With the increasing popularity of yoga come the fast training methods. So, it is recommended to avoid a teacher who trains just in a weekend. You can try different teachers and styles of yoga to find a class that suits your personality.

Regardless of style, progression of a yoga exercises in class is about two thirds prepares the body to perform the more difficult pose. The rest of the class exercises should be counter poses to remove any negative effects of the pose, such as tightness in the back after bends. Class should finish with a short, final relaxation. This is important to help assimilate information and to bring the body back to neutral.

Sometimes students need props for doing yoga exercises depend upon their physical condition. Just because a teacher can do a pose without props, does not mean that every student can. If the teacher does not allow props, you are in the wrong place. You should feel good after a yoga class, and you might even feel muscle soreness days after a strenuous class.

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